Friday 6 November 2015

Explore - Pixilation

For my pixilation project, I chose to follow the theme of Predator/Prey, however I realised soon after that the story I brainstormed was more of a Parasite/Host scenario.

I thought of a very tired Animation student working tirelessly at a Computer/Lightbox etc. This student would appear to be very dehydrated and fatigued. After which, we introduce a bottle of water that is placed at a distance. The shot for the bottle of water would show the bottle very large and on the left side of the screen in focus as we see the student rubbing his/her head in the distance. The water bottle then begins to shake. The ‘water’ proceeds to crawl out from under the lid. (I used cling film for this.) The cling film then proceeds to crawl towards the unsuspecting student menacingly and crawl up his/her leg and into his mouth. The final shot will show the student quite pleased by the hydration. 

*Left side of the notebook are overlapping post-its that I used to storyboard initially*

A few things I did not anticipate for this project were how difficult it would be to ‘sculpt’ the cling film into different forms. I ended up simply shifting it forward and hoping for the best. Another unanticipated issue was making the cling film look like it was being sucked into the student’s mouth. Regrettably, I was unable to make this happen and the student looks more as if he is eating the cling film. 

Finally, perhaps the most demotivating issue of all: I had strung together the 700+ images in photoshop and rendered the video only to realise that it was too quick for my liking. I returned to Photoshop to slow down the frame rate however was unable to render the video or even save it as a .psd file. Because it was late in the night, I retired as nobody was around to help me. The next day, I realised that my computer was too full and I only needed to clear away some files. Unfortunately, it was too late to amend the Animation. On a positive note, I am proud of a few of my chosen camera angles and shots. Enjoy!

Thank you Thomas Horner!

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