Thursday 17 March 2016

Life Drawing - Speed and Accuracy

As an animator, speed as well as accuracy is an important aspect of work. Creating an Animated film is a long and meticulous process, and the shortcuts tend to take away from the quality. With that said, the faster an animator can draw each frame, the quicker the process. For an animator to be fast but accurate, he has to have a strong intuitive awareness of anatomy and movement.

I have found that if I am ‘guessing’ movement, it always turns out to be rigid. Or, I am so afraid of letting my character move in case they move ‘wrong’, I limit their movement substantially. This immediately takes away any human or realistic quality and reminds the viewer that this is an animation, and a bad one at that.

I’m all for the non realistic, however not with movement. I like to exaggerate movement as well as aesthetic but under all that exaggeration is a solid foundation of proportional shapes and natural movement. How do we build this intuition? I think, like anything else, it simply takes practice. Just like an athlete trains his body before a run or a game, an artist needs to train his skills. Attending a life drawing class once a week can have an incredible impact on the technical skills and anatomical intuitions of an animator.

I am absolutely guilty of not doing this, but it is important to make time to invest in your future animator.

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